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    5 Ways to stay fit on Vacation

    It's that time of year again when everyone packs up and heads off to their favorite travel destination. While vacation is a necessity for your body and mind, don't use it as a free for all for your fitness. You've worked very hard to get in shape, so don't let your vacation ruin all your efforts. Here are five tips for you to stay in shape while on vacation

    1. Pack for fitness: Make sure you bring your tennis shoes, bathing suit, smart phone and/or workout DVD's. Plus if you have an exercise band, bring that too. It's so light and portable, you can take it anywhere.

    1. Exercise in the morning: It's too easy to get caught up in all the fun stuff you want to do on vacation, but making exercise a morning ritual will ensure that you fit it into your day.  Weather you're at the beach, the mountains or in the city, it's easy to get a great workout with some basic body exercises. Push-ups, lunges, crunches and tricep dips require no equipment, so you have no excuses not to do them. Plus, if the hotel has stairs, use the stairs to get your cardio in. 

    2. Stay active during the day: If sightseeing, walk/jog/bike instead of driving in a car or riding in a tour bus. You will still get the save view, just burn some extra calories while you're at it. And if you're at the beach, rent a kayak or go for a swim instead of just laying out in the sun.

    3. Do "Happy Hour" smart: Have a glass of water in between each drink to stay hydrated. Even though you may be tempted by that high calorie margarita, stick to light beer, wine, champagne and mixed drinks with low calorie mixers such as Martinis, Bloody Mary's and soda water/diet soda.

    4. Snack: be prepared and pack some portable snacks such as fruit and nuts. That way if hunger strikes and dinner is not for another two hours, you can have a light snack to hold you off until dinner time.

    5. Share: If you're like me and you love trying new foods on vacation (i.e. goat) order a couple of appetizers instead of an entree or share an appetizer/entree/desert with a friend. You both get to try something new without over-indulging.

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